Canberra Liberals call for greater transparency on “HRIMS 2.0” following $78 million disaster

The Canberra Liberals will move a motion in the Legislative Assembly today calling for greater transparency on the ACT Government’s ongoing human resources system reforms.

Shadow Assistant Treasurer, Peter Cain, said that the failed Human Resource Information Management System (HRIMS) Program remained clouded with mystery and referred to the new Payroll Capability and Human Resource Management (PC-HRM) Program as “HRIMS 2.0".

“There are too many question marks still surrounding the failed HRIMS Program, which cost ACT taxpayers at least $78 million, while the new $65 million PC-HRM Program bears all the familiar markings to become HRIMS 2.0,” Mr Cain said.

“Special Minister of State, Chris Steel, and this Labor-Greens government have wasted tens of millions of dollars on a relatively simple project, and now he’s asking us to ‘trust him’ when he does it again?

“The Canberra Liberals want the Labor-Greens government to table and publish all their reviews and reports into the HRIMS Program by the end of the month to ensure Canberrans have the full story of what went wrong with a simple HR and payroll system.

“We also want Minister Steel to table monthly progress reports on the new PC-HRM Program, to increase accountability and ensure he doesn’t lead Canberrans into yet another budget blackhole,” Mr Cain continued.

“Canberrans do not want the PC-HRM Program to become HRIMS 2.0, and we need appropriate transparency to keep Minister Steel and his officials honest and accountable.

“These programs represent a significant failure in public administration by this Labor-Greens government and Canberrans deserve better than this,” Mr Cain concluded.

Peter Cain MLA

Member for Ginninderra

Shadow Attorney-General

Shadow Minister for Planning and Land Management

Shadow Minister for Multicultural Affairs

Assistant Shadow Treasurer

Assistant Shadow Minister for Seniors

Assistant Shadow Minister for Veterans Affairs


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