Statement on public release of Sofronoff report

The handling of this entire process by the Chief Minister and Attorney-General has been farcical. There is no reasonable justification for how long it has taken for the Labor-Greens government to release the Board of Inquiry report to the public.

The lack of leadership from the Chief Minister and Attorney-General over the last week, along with the findings in the report regarding the conduct of the Director of Public Prosecutions have no doubt undermined the community’s faith in the ACT judicial system.

The Chief Minister and Attorney-General spent the majority of their press conference today deflecting blame on to Mr Sofronoff who they appointed and the media rather than the concerning findings in the report.

There are still a number of questions to be answered by the Chief Minister and Attorney-General regarding the ‘preliminary review’ of prosecutions undertaken by Mr Drumgold, the circumstances surrounding his resignation and the implementation of the recomendations out of the report.

Elizabeth Lee MLA

Member for Kurrajong

Leader of the Opposition 

Shadow Treasurer

Shadow Minister for Climate Action, Energy and Emissions Reduction

Shadow Minister for Economic Development and Major Projects

Shadow Minister for Housing Affordability and Choice

Shadow Minister for Education


Where are the finalised District Strategies and new Territory Plan?


Barr must respond to serious questions on Sofronoff Inquiry