Minister for Mental Health fails to answer basic questions in Estimates about her own portfolio

Shadow Minister for Mental Health Ed Cocks has raised concerns following the Greens Minister for Mental Health’s inability to answer basic questions In Estimates Hearings about her own portfolio today.

Prior to the budget announcement, the Minister published a media release claiming that the ACT Government was investing in a $15 million mental health package. However, when questioned about the composition of the package, the Minister was unable to list which budget measures the package comprised, and the breakdown of funding for each element.

“The Minister was also unable to answer questions about offsets from existing programs and denied that they were funding cuts,” Mr Cocks said.

“The inability of the Minister to answer basic questions about her portfolio’s budget and structure raises significant doubts regarding her competency in the role. 

“This latest display of ineptitude builds on the Minister's track record of delays, budget blowouts and failures in a critical portfolio, including her failure to adequately address Canberra’s mental health workforce shortage, and failures to protect patient and community safety.

“The people of Canberra deserve better. They deserve competent leadership and genuine commitment to mental health care, not empty promises and inadequate oversight,” Mr Cocks concluded.

Ed Cocks MLA

Member for Murrumbidgee

Shadow Minister for Mental Health

Shadow Minister for Regulatory Services

Shadow Minister for Jobs and Workplace Affairs

Assistant Shadow Minister for Arts


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