Canberra Liberals Government will deliver 70,000 elective surgeries in the next term
A Canberra Liberals Government will deliver 70,000 elective surgeries in the next term of government by continuing to work with Canberra Health Services to boost the number of procedures alongside partnering with a private provider.
ACT Opposition Leader Elizabeth Lee said a Canberra Liberals Government will go to tender and partner with a private provider to deliver at least 10,000 additional elective surgeries.
"This announcement by the Canberra Liberals will reduce elective surgery waitlists much quicker than what we are seeing currently under Labor and the Greens," Ms Lee said.
"The Labor Party have failed to meet their target of 60,400 elective surgeries promised at the last election and as a result Canberrans in pain are languishing on waiting lists."
Shadow Minister for Health Leanne Castley said delayed or cancelled elective surgery procedures mean that some Canberrans are in pain, unable to work and risk their condition deteriorating while they wait, placing even more pressure on our strained emergency departments.
"A Canberra Liberals Government will identify patients most in need of elective surgeries and ensure any contract entered into with a private provider is conditional on meeting patient outcomes and performance targets.
“Currently, under the Labor-Greens Government, outsourcing occurs on an ad hoc basis, which is inefficient and costly compared to entering into a contract with a private provider.
"Earlier this year it was revealed that there were almost 9000 people on the wait list for elective surgeries in Canberra, with around 30 per cent of those patients waiting longer than clinically recommended.
"It is clear, the current Labor-Greens government has been unable or unwilling to reduce the waitlist for elective surgeries and that is why the Canberra Liberals will prioritise the health of Canberrans and those living in pain," Ms Castley concluded.