Andrew Barr’s 13th budget all spin, no relief

Today’s budget delivered by Andrew Barr has failed to address the significant cost of living pressures that are plaguing all Canberrans and is once again littered with re-announcements of previous budget and election promises that he has failed to deliver.

Canberra Liberals Leader and Shadow Treasurer Elizabeth Lee said the so-called cost-of-living announcements made by Andrew Barr just highlight how out of touch he is with no acknowledgement of how tough Canberrans are doing it at the moment.

“Andrew Barr has spent over a decade increasing rates and taxes at a rapid rate to the point where many Canberrans are struggling to pay the bills,” Ms Lee said.

“Since embarking on his tax agenda, Canberrans’ rates have almost tripled and despite collecting more in taxes than ever before, Andrew Barr continually fails to deliver on the promises he makes to Canberrans.

“For the Treasurer to make grand announcements that this would be a cost-of-living budget and then to deliver little to no relief for the majority of Canberrans just goes to show this Labor-Greens Government is out touch and out of ideas.

“This is in stark contrast to the Canberra Liberals’ $65 million cost of living relief package that will provide real and tangible relief for all Canberrans, and I look forward to having more to say on further measures to ease the cost-of-living burden for all Canberrans later this week.”

The budget papers have also highlighted that debt is anticipated to reach almost $20 billion, up from $17.4 billion which will cost Canberrans an eye watering $855 million a year alone on interest repayments. To put that into context, the annual interest bill alone is almost the anticipated cost of the entire North Canberra Hospital.

The deficit is also anticipated to be over $1billion, which is double what was forecast last year.

“The interest repayments alone will cost each Canberra household almost $5000 a year. This is staggering and Canberrans are right to be outraged at the opportunity cost lost as a result of this Labor-Greens government’s fiscal mismanagement,” Ms Lee said.

“Andrew Barr has not once delivered a surplus and based on the budget released today, he never will.

“For all the spending and all the debt, Canberrans have every right to ask where the money has gone because it certainly has not gone on delivering infrastructure projects that have been promised year after year.

“Canberrans have the opportunity this October to make sure that Andrew Barr’s 13th budget is his last budget.”

Ms Lee earlier this morning highlighted the over 150 broken promises made by Andrew Barr in previous budget speeches and said Canberrans are sick of seeing re-packaged re-hashed announcements that have not been delivered.

Elizabeth Lee MLA

Member for Kurrajong

Leader of the Opposition 

Shadow Treasurer

Shadow Minister for Climate Action, Energy and Emissions Reduction

Shadow Minister for Economic Development and Major Projects

Shadow Minister for Housing Affordability and Choice

Shadow Minister for Education


Andrew Barr’s budget to deliver more cost-of-living pain for Canberrans


Lee calls out Barr’s bogus budgets