Andrew Barr must reject push by ACT unions seeking more power

Canberra Liberals Leader Elizabeth Lee has called on Andrew Barr to unequivocally reject the push by ACT unions seeking extraordinary and unprecedented power over ACT government procurement and the hiring of senior ACT public servants.

“Andrew Barr must come out publicly and confirm whether he supports this extraordinary push by the ACT branches of the CFMEU and the CPSU seeking even more influence over ACT government procurements and the appointment of senior ACT public servants,” Ms Lee said.

“The Integrity Commission investigation into the Campbell Primary School modernisation project has heard evidence that a local company missed out on the job despite being the preferred tenderer because it was allegedly not favoured by the CFMEU. Even more concerning, the Integrity Commission has also heard evidence that the pressure to do so came directly from the Education Minister’s office.

“The CFMEU is not only a member of ACT Labor that has input into party leadership positions including the current Education Minister and Deputy Chief Minister, but also provides significant donations to the ACT Labor Party."

On the back of allegations over the weekend that bikie gangs, criminal gangs and underworld figures had infiltrated the Victorian branch of the CFMEU, Ms Lee said Canberrans are right to question if the same was occurring in the ACT.

“The ACT is the only jurisdiction in the country that does not have anti-consorting laws which makes Canberra a desirable location for outlaw bikie gangs and organised criminals," Ms Lee concluded.

Elizabeth Lee MLA

Member for Kurrajong

Leader of the Opposition 

Shadow Treasurer

Shadow Minister for Climate Action, Energy and Emissions Reduction

Shadow Minister for Economic Development and Major Projects

Shadow Minister for Housing Affordability and Choice

Shadow Minister for Education


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